Driven by your vision fueled by our passion.
Our expertise can be leverage to create machine learning solutions for numerous business applications.
Video Segmentation
Extracting key moments: package delivery, building entry and exit, part or package is in the hopper, beginning and ending of commercial breaks, ...
Video Object Detection and Tracking
Detecting and tracking objects: which parts are in the video and where they move, who is in the video and where they moved, vehicle detection and movement, ...
Video Classification
Classifying the video into categories: contains objectionable material or not, type of exercise (running, swimming, biking), good form vs bad form, ...
Document Processing
Extraction of information from an image of a document: name, address, phone numbers, part numbers and quantities, ...
Document Classification
Classifying a document based on an image of that document: financial document type (paycheck, bill, W2, ...), drivers license state (CA, NY, WI, ...), contract signed or not signed, ...
Object Detection
Detecting objects in an image: cells in a petri dish, packages at the door, trash on the ground, a restaurant menu, a stop sign, a customer at the window, …
Image Classification
Classifying the image into categories: Type of part, contains objectionable content or not, door is open or closed, diseased cell/tissue, …
Sequence Modeling
Capturing the patterns in time, event, or spacial data for classification, segmentation, anomaly detection, or generation of new data: customer purchase patterns, driving routes, part degradation schedules, ...
Recommendation Systems
Personalized suggestions of items for users optimized for desired outcome: images, videos, clothing items, driving routes, contact introductions, ...
Anomaly Detection
Identifying rare abnormal events: customer purchase shifts, machine failure detection, supply chain disruptions, ...
Generic or personalized results based on user input: various input (text, image, video, audio), various searchable items (images, videos, clothing, documents, ...)
Producing text from audio: video conference meeting transcripts, audio customer support, video captioning, ...
As can be seen above machine learning solutions, based on deep learning, have a vast number of applications. The list of applications is ever expanding as leaders like you approach experts like us.